"Is a necessity in today's busy world. Focused with the right people and products."

Rodney B Woodstock, OT, Canada

"Very useful tool...We were able to generate new ideas...It was informative and new ideas came from the workshop...Good exercise for product teamwork."

Livonia, MI

"Good ideas from a mature product...Excellent tool and learning experience."

Forest J Lebanon, KY


Cost Innovations, LLC is a consulting company specializing in product, process, and service improvement. Our tools and techniques to cost reduce your product, process, or service results in profit increases for you and added customer value.

Whether your project is not completely designed or is mature, we have solutions. Our experience and diligent use of the best tools and techniques generate cost savings in the hundreds of millions.



  • Architectural
  • Automotive
  • Building Products
  • Civil Engineering
  • Consumer Products
  • Energy
  • Government
  • Heavy Equipment
  • Home Appliance
  • Military
  • Oil
  • Power Generation


    To provide our clients the very best service that results in bottom line profitably, competitiveness, productivity, improved cash flow, increased capacity & output, time to market improvement and prosperity for their customers.


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